Stezzano / 09.11.2022

Brembo financial results for the third quarter of 2022

Sharp revenue growth to €2,728.2 million for 9m 2022, +33.6% compared to 2021; EBITDA up by 26.4%; Net profit at +39.2%

Compared to 30 September 2021:

  • Revenues at €2,728.2 million (+33.6%): +23.7% on a like-for-like exchange rate and consolidation basis
  • EBITDA at €482.3 million (EBITDA margin: 17.7%); EBIT at €303.1 million (EBIT margin: 11.1%)
  • Net investments for the period amounted to €210.8 million
  • Net financial debt at €630.7 million (€405.6 million prior to the application of IFRS 16), up €147.4 million compared to 30 September 2021

Brembo Executive Chairman Matteo Tiraboschi stated: “The third quarter of 2022 closed very well for Brembo. In a persistently difficult macroeconomic scenario, the Company continued to record sharp growth in all geographical areas and segments of reference. Brembo’s revenues for the first nine months of the year neared the 2021 FY amount. Our strategies remain focused on Brembo’s medium and long-term development. This has led to the recent formation of Brembo Ventures, the Company’s venture capital unit specialising in more focused investments on technology startups that are able to accelerate the innovation of our solutions. Looking to the future, the very uncertain context which we are facing requires a necessary degree of caution. However, we are confident that Brembo's capital and financial solidity will enable us to best face the challenges ahead.


Contact person

Martin Pohl

Senior Account Manager

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